Important Information for Harmonic Timing Newsletters

Harmonic Timing of Soybeans Newsletter began way back in October 1992, thirty-two years ago. It was followed the next year by the Harmonic Timing of Corn Newsletter.

The goal of these Newsletters was to help producers in the marketing of their production and to help producers and traders in their trading. In looking back over the years, I would give myself a “B” in accomplishing this goal.

Susan and I have decided it is time to retire.

We wish to have the business “wrapped up” by mid -November. Our official closing date will be November 20, 2024.  The October Soybean Newsletter (published October 21, 2024 +/-) will be the final Soybean Newsletter. The November Corn Newsletter (published November 1, 2024 +/-) will be the final Corn Newsletter. Updates will continue to these newsletters as regularly scheduled until the close of business.

We thank you for your business and support during all of these years.

If you wish to purchase these final issues the price is $27 per issue. Click Here for the Order Form

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