Producers and traders have enjoyed a HUGE rally in bean and corn prices this year. The Stock and Acreage Report on Wednesday sent prices surging. Our cycle analysis clearly tells us if the high for the year is in place or if it will unfold in the very near future.
In this Video Analysis you will see the powerful Gann Cycles that aligned with the highs of June 7th in soybeans and May 7th in corn.
In this Video Analysis you will learn when the highs for the year were made in both corn and soybeans during the prior Calendar Year Cycles of 1961 (60-Years), 1976 (45-Years) 1991 (30-Years), and 2001 (20-Years).
In this Video Analysis you will see the powerful Gann Cycle that projects the time of the Harvest Low.
In this Video Analysis you will learn when the lows for the year were made in the above prior Calendar Year Cycles.
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